Commercial Buildings

Efficient energy storage for the buildings of the future

If you’re responsible for large commercial buildings, you’re familiar with the high energy costs of heating and cooling. These costs put pressure on both your budget and the environment. We provide a solution that cuts costs while taking a big step towards greener and more efficient operations.

In large buildings, HVAC systems account for a significant portion of energy consumption, especially on the coldest and hottest days. With rising energy prices and peak demand charges, you need a smart way to manage energy.

Enter the Thermal Box.

The Thermal Box technology helps you store energy when prices are low, and release it when consumption peaks. This provides a more balanced power usage and lower costs. The Thermal Box works for you around the clock – even when energy prices are at their highest.

Cartesian Thermal Box

Thermal Energy Storage for cooling

Cooling is a major cost driver, especially on hot days when consumption is at its peak. HVAC systems have to work hard to maintain comfortable temperatures, often leading to high operational costs.

The Thermal Box can help you with:

Sizing of the cooling system: Instead of oversizing your existing system for maximum load, cold is stored at night when electricity prices are lower – and used during the day when demand is at its highest (load shifting).

Optimising performance: By accumulating cold energy at night and using it when demand peaks, you enhance the efficiency of your cooling system. This reduces peak load costs (peak shaving).

The result? Lower energy costs, stable cooling throughout the day, and both reduced investment and operational costs.

Thermal Energy Storage for heating

Heating large commercial buildings on colder days often requires expensive backup systems, such as gas or electric boilers. Naturally, this increases operating costs. So how can you reduce costs while ensuring stable heating?

The Thermal Box provides a solution by:

  • Storing heat at night: The system stores energy when prices are low, so you can use it during the day when energy demand is highest.
  • Avoiding costly backup solutions: You can size the heating system for average load, avoiding peak load and the need for backup boilers.

What does this mean for you? Lower operating costs, stable heating, and a more sustainable solution that reduces your carbon footprint.

Advantages of Thermal Box in large buildings

  • Lower energy costs: Utilise cheaper energy outside peak periods, allowing you to reduce both operating costs and peak demand charges.
  • Stable indoor climate: Employees and tenants enjoy a comfortable indoor climate all year round without the HVAC system running at full throttle.
  • Reduced carbon footprint: Meet your ESG goals (Environmental, Social, and Governance) by reducing energy consumption and easing the load on the power grid.

KLP Eiendom

See the impact in action

KLP Eiendom wanted to combine modern office spaces with sustainable energy solutions. By integrating the Thermal Box into their energy strategy, KLP has achieved lower energy costs and a more balanced indoor climate.

Get in touch

Alexis Sevault
Chief Technology Officer
Contact Alexis