District Heating facilities

How the Thermal Box reduces energy costs for District Heating facilities

Cartesian’s Thermal Box can easily integrate with existing district heating systems. By storing excess heat at night when energy prices are low and releasing it during the day when it is needed, the technology reduces both peak demand and the costs associated with backup boilers or electric heating elements.

The benefits of the Thermal Box include:

  • Reduced operating costs: By storing heat when energy prices are low and using it when demand is high, you avoid peak charges, thereby reducing overall operating costs.
  • Peak shaving and load shifting: Consistent energy use throughout the day reduces peak demand and shifts energy consumption to times when electricity prices are low, so that your operations remain stable without the need for oversized systems.
  • Flexible and scalable: The Thermal Box solution can be scaled as needed, so that facilities of all sizes can maximise their efficiency and long-term sustainability.
  • Easy integration: The Thermal Box can be adapted to existing systems without major changes.

How Thermal Energy Storage works

Thermal Box uses phase change materials (PCMs), which store heat very efficiently. When PCMs absorb heat, they transform from solid to liquid and then back to solid as the heat is released. In this way, it is possible to store large amounts of energy in a small space.

Excess heat produced overnight, when energy prices are lower, is stored in the Thermal Box. When the demand for heat increases during the day, the stored energy can be released to support heating systems without the need to draw additional power from the grid.

What Thermal Box does for you

  • Ensures stable energy flow: By using stored heat during the day, your district heating facility can maintain smooth and stable operations, even on the coldest days when the demand for heating is highest.
  • Reduces the need for backup solutions: Since the Thermal Box stores energy, there is no need for expensive and energy-intensive backup solutions such as gas or electric boilers.
  • Improves energy efficiency: By storing heat when it is cheapest and using it when demand is highest, your facility achieves higher efficiency and reduces the strain on the power grid.
  • Decreases your carbon footprint: Less need for external heat sources means lower energy consumption and carbon emissions and more sustainable operations.
Phase change materials by Cartesian

The Thermal Box lowers costs while making your district heating facility more robust, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly – and the technology can be adapted for use in facilities of any size.

Want to learn more about what Thermal Box can do for your district heating facility?

Get in touch

Alexis Sevault
Chief Technology Officer
Contact Alexis