Warehouses and Logistics Facilities

Optimising energy use for cooling and heating

Looking for cost-effective and sustainable operation of your warehouse and logistics facilities? Large spaces require consistent temperatures to ensure optimal conditions for goods during storage and distribution. Often, the result is high electricity bills.

The Thermal Box streamlines energy needs and cuts costs.

Benefits of the Thermal Box for large warehouses

  • Efficient cooling and heating: These facilities often require significant energy consumption to maintain the correct temperature for goods in the face of high energy costs and unstable electricity prices. The Thermal Box helps to keep operations cost-effective.
  • Peak loads during peak demand: During periods of high activity and demand for cooling or heating, energy consumption can reach critical levels, but the Thermal Box helps reduce costs and wear on the systems.

Warehouse and Logistics: reduce energy consumption with Thermal Storage

By using energy smarter, you increase energy efficiency and cut costs.

Reasons to consider the Thermal Box

  • Reduced energy costs: Optimising the use of stored energy reduces temperature regulation costs in large warehouses and during transport.
  • Better control over energy use: By leveraging load shifting and peak shaving, you can achieve more stable energy flow and limit your energy costs.
  • Flexibility: The Thermal Box can easily be adapted to existing cooling systems and a wide range of warehouse sizes.

Want to learn more about how the Thermal Box can help you reduce energy costs?

Get in touch

Håkon Selvnes
Chief Project Officer
Contact Håkon